Our coffee is planted, cared for and harvested in the Bule area in the highlands of the Oaxaca coast.

With 50 years working on the farms in the Bule area in the mountains of the Oaxaca coast, our purpose for the Café Bule project is mainly to produce 100% organic coffee to offer it to markets that demand the best coffee in quality, flavor and smell.

All our crops are free of chemical fertilizers, fertilizers and pesticides. Organic coffee in Mexico is grown under shade, that is, the coffee bushes are grown interspersed with various trees such as orange, banana, lemon, avocado. In the forest, sweeping is done by removing grass to prepare the land for planting the coffee tree, all the organic material is returned as compost to enrich the land, the vegetation cover that is maintained allows water to be retained and filtered to the underground rivers thus avoiding landslides in the area.

Thanks to the Café Bule project and its artisanal process of the coffee bean, it allows to give work to the people of the region almost all year round since it involves the minimum use of machinery, this way rewards the work with decent salaries, they have been acquired land where houses were built with the essential services for a decent life Our Coffee Estate in the mountainous Sierra gives us fruit, Coffee, Cacao and Honey amongst other delicious foods for 50 years now. Our families have cared, protected and lived here sustained by all that the land gives to us, healthy nutritious food, clean water and air; our homes, elementary school and even a clinic where we are looked after by Doctor Rolando Matos from our own family, literally the family Doctor!

The traditional practices we preserve not only are non-invasive, friendly to the forest that shrouds our crops with natural shade but also focused on our people.
A traditional process provides us with all year-round work, mitigating the economic migration towards cities. This process involves a minimum of machines even transportation for us, we live here, thus lowering our carbon footprint.

Our families remain together, strengthening the social fabric; men and women share the chores and responsibilities living a dignified life, earning a decent income. Workshops were built so women tailor the family´s clothes and handcrafts for sale in touristic areas.
, two clinics that provide medical care and a school. The most gratifying aspect is that the families of the place stay together working and producing for themselves clothing and handicrafts on looms installed with benefits from the farms.

What is organic coffee?

It is a coffee free of chemicals and pesticides that is grown with strict quality control and in harmony with nature.

Organic coffee in Mexico is grown under shade, that is, the coffee bushes are grown interspersed with various trees such as orange, banana, lemon, avocado. Non-produce trees, of the genus Inga, also shade the coffee. These coffee plantations are agroforestry systems that offer numerous ecological and economic benefits such as: the protection and conservation of biodiversity; soil protection; regulation of rains, frosts, winds; protection of hydrological basins, carbon sequestration; food generation and productive diversification.

If as a consumer you have chosen to start consuming  organic coffee, it is your task at first to review and determine the reliability of the product offered.

How? Looking for more information about organic farming processes, about the organizations and producers that practice them.

Profits? Greater guarantee of quality and health for us and for the planet.

Economically viable: aimed at improving the producer’s income through the premium paid for organic coffee.

Socially fair: aimed at improving the quality of life of producers and consumers.

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